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  • No More Emotional Bubble Wrap

    I love the term “Free Range Parent”. I identify strongly as a parent who lets her kids roam, find their limits and explore the large world they live in. I also let them fall a lot. My kids rock climb and swim and roller blade and mountain bike because I love how confident it makes them feel. As the mother of 3 boys I am committed to not shutting down…

  • BEST Parenting Book I have read in years

    I found it! This is THE book. I never do this- buy this book. Read this book. Share this book. I wish I had written this book. This book is about babies and teens and homework and feelings and mostly about just how much work we as parents have to do on ourselves. Out of Control: Why Disciplining Your Child Doesn’t Work…and What Will by Shefali Tsabary. Now since you…

  • Letting Go of Punishing

    I have been studying and practicing positive parenting for at least 13 years. I struggled to find effective parenting 30 years ago with my oldest. I felt like if he was struggling it meant I had to do something, anything, more. I took his struggles personally. I felt like a bad mom. When we got help with what turned out to be a serious neurobiological illness I was off the…

  • The Powerful Habit of Reconnecting

    Couples fight. Parents yell. Siblings bicker. Kids have meltdowns. Parenting and marriage and life are messy. I got into it this morning with Joey, the 13 year old over socks. He was running late for school, I forgot he had student council, he had a rough night with sleep. It was just a bump but it was a rough bump right as he was walking out the door. I heard…

  • Post Thanksgiving Rundown

    My guess is that by now you’ve eaten (and perhaps drank) way too much. You’re not actually likely to be reading this on Thursday evening as you fell asleep doped up on tryptophane and my newsletter got lost in endless Black Friday ads. Just wanted to pop in and wish you the best. As we step into a the next holiday season take a moment to process any unresolved feelings…

  • The “Special” Glass

    The other day, Zach (the 11 year old) said “The only thing I want to take with me when I move out is this glass… I mean if it’s still around’”. A couple of immediate reactions…”He’s planning his move out date? At 11?” followed closely by “Who knew- that glass?” It isn’t special. It has no historical importance. We didn’t get it on one of our amazing vacations. It wasn’t…

  • Proceed with Caution- Stressed out momma ahead

    It is two days until the Twin Cities Birth and Baby Expo…which is my other baby. 7 years ago, I was invited to volunteer for this crazy idea- “let’s create a natural birth event for the community”. Like all children- it has grown and flourished and every year amazes me and also kinda kicks my butt. Tonight, as I answer one more email, fix one more edit, pick up the…

  • Deep thoughts on a rainy day

    One of the greatest gifts I get from my work is being in a lot of psyches. I get to see how everyone is struggling, insecure, irrational and unpredictable. The human condition, especially in relationship, is really messy. Each of us have weird, inexplicable reactions, perhaps from our childhood, perhaps from our temperament, perhaps hormone driven that we wish we didn’t have. If I had a magic therapy wand, I…

  • Changing Your Yelling Response

    On Sunday I had 47 people show up for my STOP YELLING workshop. 47 parents who want to do better with their kids. This stuff makes me so happy! I yell at my kids. Not as much as I used to and rare enough that I feel confident teaching a class on the subject. Be highly suspicious of people who don’t yell at their kids… not sure but alien pod…

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    A friend of mine just lost her grandfather and posted an amazing testimony to the positive impact he has had on her life.  It got me thinking about what I expect from the second half of my life. I have hit all the milestone- married, three kids, homeowner, professional. Even my commitment to working out isn’t really about getting somewhere but staying where I am.  Use it or lose it…