Be with Your Kid Now

Mindfulness- “the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment”. Very simple and oh so hard.

Mindful parenting comes from that zen, centered place where we can respond with patience and an open heart. Simple… and hard.


Mindful parenting is being with your kids right where they are. It gets disrupted when we are either leaning back into our past or leaning forward into our future.

There is the thing we think our kids needs, the thing we want to give them and then there is that nagging doubt that we shouldn’t be responding to them. Mindful or wise mind decisions are usually pretty solid.

Sometimes we parent from the past. We get all wrapped up in how we were parented, what we are afraid of for our kids. Mistakes and regrets and self doubts are all rooted in our pasts.

Often we parent too focused on some make believe future we are worried about.

If he’s like this now, what is he going to be like at 13?

If you let her get away with that, she’s going to think she can always…

In the real world they aren’t going to…

Shouldn’t 4 year olds be more….

They fight all the time, I want them to grow up being close.

I can’t see how they are going to ever be ready for kindergarten/high school.

Can you feel that nagging doubt? It just isn’t helpful. Don’t borrow tomorrw’s troubles.

Much of positive parenting is rooted in knowing that kids are who they are and need what they need and as long as you stay connected and present, you are capable of responding to them appropriately. That you are just the parent they need.

Parent your kids just for today.


(Did you have the Valentine’s Day talk yet? Please… don’t set yourself up for disappointment… Create the day that you want.)