Bill of Assertive Rights for the Holidays

Marriage Geek Bill of Assertive Rights for the Holidays

You have the right to make your decisions about the holidays based on the values and needs of your immediate family first.

You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for your choices.

You have the right to decide how responsible you want to be for your extended family’s holiday needs.

You have the right to say no.

You have the right to say “I don’t know yet” or “let me think about that” or “we’ll just have to see how the day goes”.

You have the right to change your mind.

You have the right to come late or leave early or skip the parts that don’t work for your family.

You have the right to make choices that no else will understand.

You have the right to do less.

You have the right to disagree.

You have the right to feel all of your emotions (including anger) and express them appropriately.

You have the right to ask questions and make requests.

You have the right to be treated with respect.

You have the right to feel good about yourself, your actions and your life. You have the right to exercise any and all of the these rights, without feeling guilty.