The Marriage Geek Getting Real

10 years ago, I branded myself the “Marriage Geek” and focused my career on helping people build strong families, blending my experiences as a marriage counselor with the best relationship research I could find. Both professionally and personally, I am fascinated with why marriage and parenting are so freaking hard. I’ve tried to be genuine and vulnerable about topics that need more heart than head. I have also hidden some of my deepest struggles. This is my profession. This is my work but it is also my family, my marriage and my kids.

After 17 years, my husband and I have decided to let go of the dream of what our marriage was supposed to be. The Marriage Geek is getting divorced. There are no simple answers as to why. At some point you decide that the work of marriage is no longer your journey and the work of divorce is the next chapter. Sad, scary, complicated- it is time to change course.

Two years ago I wrote Just a bunch of divorce musings…. When is it time to leave?

 “I think we can be a different kind of family, have a different kind of relationship if we have the courage to ask for what we need, stand up for ourselves and get creative.”  This is the path my family is on and we’re actually doing pretty good.

I can’t be the Marriage Geek if I pretend to be something I’m not, if I am not honest with you, if I act like divorce is something to hide. I still believe deeply in marriage. I believe that good marriages are good for kids and I believe good divorces are good for kids.  

I challenge people to do the work. Commit to personal growth. Deal with your crap. Take responsibility for the complexity and messiness of love. Stay tuned. I have a ton of work to do. Thanks for the support! 
