Forget Family Balance- We’ve Got Mad Juggling Skills

Today I am keeping 6, maybe 7 balls in the air with some amount of grace. Things that I handled with ease today- laundry, food, getting to the office, the dog, the kids, paying bills. There are slick moments where I flip from home to work to friends, artfully multitasking. I can feel the zone. I have what I need to make dinner. The outfit Zach wants to wear is clean. Someone stops by and I am not ashamed to invite them in. The dishwasher is empty. The boys are home at the same time and I grab a moment to lay on the couch and hear about their day.

And then… I look down and I remember… I have 7 balls flying but what about the 4 balls at my feet? The car needs an oil change, we are out of toilet paper…how can we be out of toilet paper? When was the last time anyone got to the dentist? F*ck!

But here’s the thing…no one can juggle all of the balls. And no one should have a life with only 4 balls. Balls on the ground do not  mean you failed. Balls on the ground mean you have a big life.

Don’t waste your time looking at the ground. Switch one out. Order take out, ask for help, let the kids have more screen time, to hell with laundry- wear the stuff you hate today. Kick a ball at your partner, start teaching juggling tricks to the whole family- never too young to help with the performance.

Sometime life lobs something at you that you didn’t expect and all the balls go down. Sometimes it rains or a kid throws up or the car breaks down. Sometimes it is a grenade- maybe you won the lottery but maybe your mom is sick or your getting a divorce or your (oops) pregnant. Brush yourself off,  pick up a few balls and try again.

Good Luck! Maureen