Get Real! How Lovable Are You Being?

Life’s lessons from our best friends.

What can we learn about love from dogs…who make it look so easy.

 No one can get close to you if you growl and show your teeth all the time. Do you bark at those you love? Are you unpredictable?

Are You Playful? Have you become way too serious to play with anymore? Are you spontaneous? Always up for an adventure? Do you try and say yes?

Are You Loyal?  Are you a there, no matter what, believing in the person you know your loved one to be? Do you have your loved ones’ back, see the best in them?

Are You Affectionate? In your touch, in your words? Who doesn’t want to come home to kisses? And who wants to sit on the couch alone?

Are You Forgiving? Sulking isn’t very attractive- loving people means loving messes and mistakes. Shake it off.

Are You Tough? If I have you in my corner, do I feel protected and secure? Will you fight my battles with me?

Are You Trainable? Sorry… but lovable means open to influence. It means figuring out what their needs are, what the boundaries are, what the people you love need from you, not just “hey- you get what you get.”

Ok…now that you’ve done your partner’s inventory…go back and see how you’re doing. It is always easier to see other’s shortcomings but are you courageous enough to face your own?

Isn’t being lovable…deepening our capacity to be in healthy relationships what life is all about?

Go be lovable today! See what it brings into your life.


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